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Chicken Stir Fry (1/2 Pan) Chicken Stir Fry (1/2 Pan)

Chicken Stir Fry (1/2 Pan)

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$ 35.00

Chicken Stir Fry (1/2 Pan)

Product Detail:

1/2 pans feed 6 to 10.
1/3 pans feed 3 to 4.

Please select your order from the item list below. Due to current food item shortages in stores, we'll need at least 24 hours to ensure we are able to complete your order. 

When done, be sure to select "Your Cart" to prepay for your desired meal.  Upon completing your order, it will be sent over to the restaurant and we'll contact you on your order pick up time.  For any questions, call (205) 423-5559.